
This is an old revision of the document!

Compiling BasiliskII and SheepShaver for various host environments

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The source code for BasiliskII and SheepShaver has been relocated to a github repository. The source code can now be downloaded from:

There are other repositories with forked code, solving particular problems. You are on your own if you want to build the code in those repositories!


Preparing your build environment

Common assumptions:

  • You have a folder called “src” inside your home folder in which you are going to place all downloads mentioned below. The folder structure we are assuming looks like this:
  • src
  • src\SDL-1.2.15
  • src\macemu\BasiliskII (this folder will be created automatically if you follow the directions below)
  • src\macemu\SheepShaver (this folder will be created automatically if you follow the directions below)


You need a Windows port of the GCC and G++ compilers, X-headers, libgnome development etc. You can use either Cygwin 1.5 or 1.7, or MinGW with MSYS:

When building on Windows, the term “home folder” means your Cygwin or MSYS home folder, e.g. home/yourusername or msys/1.0/home/yourusername .

*Please note that SheepShaver currently can't be built with a GCC version above 4.6

Build SDL 1.2.15
  • Download the source code from: http://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL-1.2.15.zip
  • Extract the zip file to the SDL-1.2.15 folder in your “src” folder.
  • start Cygwin or MSYS shell.
  • (only in case you're using Cygwin 1.7 execute: “chmod 755 /usr/bin/set-gcc-default-3.sh” and “/usr/bin/set-gcc-default-3.sh” effectively setting Cygwin 1.7 to use the gcc version 3 compiler in stead of the standard gcc version 4 compiler). You can reverse this by executing: “chmod 755 /usr/bin/set-gcc-default-4.sh” and “/usr/bin/set-gcc-default-4.sh”
  • cd to the folder containing the SDL source and run the following commands:
./configure --disable-shared
make install

If you want to install multiple versions of SDL, use these commands:

./configure --disable-shared --prefix=`pwd`
make install
export PATH

* You will then need to cd into the corresponding SDL folder every time you start Cygwin or MSYS and set and export the path to sdl-config to build SheepShaver, so SDL libs and sdl-config file can be found.

To build the Windows GUIs

The Windows GUIs are built by using the gtk+ Win32 development packages. This section assume you installed them in C:\GTK

(disregard a possible error message)

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH='C:\GTK\lib\pkgconfig\'
OSX Snow Leopard

Please note that the current code only builds in Snow Leopard with XCode 3.x (latest 3.2.6)! Newer versions of OSX and XCode are not supported.

To build BasiliskII there is only the command line method. To build SheepShaver with OSX you have two options. You can use the command line method, or the XCode project method. Both are described below. In any case you need Xcode installed. The Xcode method requires that the 10.4 SDK be installed. If you did not install it when you installed Xcode, run the Xcode installer again. In the Installation Type dialog, select the option to install the 10.4 SDK (it is unchecked by default).

Using the command line
Cd to your “src” folder.

  • Download the source code from: http://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL-1.2.15.zip
  • unpack the code in the folder “src/SDL-1.2.15” folder
  • start a terminal window
  • cd to the folder containing the SDL source and run the following:
./configure --disable-shared --prefix=`pwd`
make install
export PATH

* You need to cd into the SDL folder every time you start a new terminal window and export the path (the last two command lines above) to sdl-config to build SheepShaver, so SDL libs and sdl-config file can be found.

Using Xcode (3.x, with 10.4 SDK installed)


You need GCC and G++ installed, plus several other development packages, like SDL-1.2.15 development, the X-headers, the libgnome-development package, cvs access

  • Your SDL installation and other packages should be found automatically when you start building SheepShaver or BasiliskII

Actions for all environments

Download the source code:

If you have Git installed

Use the following command to download the source code:

git clone https://github.com/cebix/macemu.

Find the “macemu” folder in your git repository folder and copy it into your “src” folder. This will create the folders BasiliskII and SheepShaver in the “src/macemu” folder.

If you don't have Git installed
  • Go to https://github.com/cebix/macemu and download the source code with “Download ZIP”
  • Extract the zip file in your “src” folder. This will create the folders BasiliskII and SheepShaver in the “src/macemu” folder.

The SheepShaver code is not needed if you only want to compile BasiliskII.

Building BasiliskII in Windows

If your version of gcc is 4.7.0 or more recent, you need to remove all occurrences of


from the build files, as this option has been deprecated and will give an error while building. See this discussion for more details.

Now cd to the BasiliskII folder and:

cd src/Windows
NO_CONFIGURE=1 ../Unix/autogen.sh
Optional: prepare for building the GUI

Edit the file “make” in the Basilisk/src/Windows folder.


"WANT_GTK = no" 


"WANT_GTK = yes"

Open a command window in Windows and enter:

pkg-config --cflags gtk+-win32-2.0
pkg-config --libs gtk+-win32-2.0

and copy-paste the outputs of the respective commands behind the lines GTK_CFLAGS = and GTK_LIBS =

It would look something like:

WANT_GTK = yes
GTK_CFLAGS = -mms-bitfields -IC:/GTK/include/gtk-2.0 -IC:/GTK/lib/gtk-2.0/include -IC:/GTK/include/atk-1.0 -IC:/GTK/include/cairo -IC:/GTK/include/pango-1.0 -IC:/GTK/include/glib-2.0 -IC:/GTK/lib/glib-2.0/include -IC:/GTK/include/freetype2 -IC:/GTK/include\\
GTK_LIBS = -Wl,-luuid -LC:/GTK/lib -lgtk-win32-2.0 -lgdk-win32-2.0 -limm32 -lshell32 -lole32 -latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lcairo -lpangoft2-1.0 -lpangowin32-1.0 -lgdi32 -lfreetype -lz -lfontconfig -lpango-1.0 -lm -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lintl\\

Finally run:

strip BasiliskII.exe

And if you also built the GUI, run:

strip BasiliskIIGUI.exe

Building BasiliskII in OSX Snow Leopard

If you started a new terminal window, then don't forget to export the path to SDL (see above at “Preparing your build environment”):

cd src/SDL-1.2.15/
export PATH

cd to the BasiliskII folder and:

cd src/Unix
export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.0
export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.0
NO_CONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh
./configure --enable-sdl-video --enable-sdl-audio --disable-vosf --enable-jit-compiler
make BasiliskII_app

For an “in depth” overview of build possibilities, also check http://mrob.com/pub/comp/basilisk-ii.html

Building BasiliskII in Linux flavours

Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE:

cd BasiliskII
cd src/Unix
NO_CONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh
./configure --enable-sdl-video --enable-sdl-audio --disable-vosf --enable-jit-compiler
strip BasiliskII


  • First edit the file \src\BasiliskII\src\Unix\configure.ac and comment out the lines 113 to 125, like this
dnl Check if we should really be assuming x86_64 even if we detected HAVE_I386 above. 
dnl if [[ "x$HAVE_I386" = "xyes" ]]; then
dnl  AC_TRY_RUN([
dnl    int main(void) {
dnl        #if defined(__x86_64__)
dnl                return 0;
dnl        #else
dnl                return 1;
dnl        #endif
dnl    }
dnl  ], [
dnl    HAVE_I386=no
dnl    HAVE_X86_64=yes
dnl  ])
dnl fi
cd BasiliskII
cd src/Unix
NO_CONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh
./configure --enable-sdl-video --enable-sdl-audio --disable-vosf --enable-jit-compiler
strip BasiliskII

Building SheepShaver in Windows

cd to the SheepShaver folder and:

make links
cd src/Windows
NO_CONFIGURE=1 ../Unix/autogen.sh

Go into the SheepShaver/src/Windows folder and open the file “configure” with a text editor. Remove the lines 3991 to 3998 and save the file. Then continue with:

CC='gcc-3 -mwin32' CXX='g++-3 -mwin32' ./configure --with-gtk=no
strip SheepShaver.exe

If you also want to build the GUI, use

cd src/Windows
NO_CONFIGURE=1 ../Unix/autogen.sh
CC='gcc-3 -mwin32' CXX='g++-3 -mwin32' ./configure

Edit the file “make” in the Windows folder.

Change "WANT_GTK = no" to "WANT_GTK = yes"

Open a command window in Windows and enter:

pkg-config --cflags gtk+-win32-2.0
pkg-config --libs gtk+-win32-2.0

copy the outputs of the respective commands behind the lines GTK_CFLAGS = and GTK_LIBS =

It would look something like:

WANT_GTK = yes
GTK_CFLAGS = -mms-bitfields -IC:/GTK/include/gtk-2.0 -IC:/GTK/lib/gtk-2.0/include -IC:/GTK/include/atk-1.0 -IC:/GTK/include/cairo -IC:/GTK/include/pango-1.0 -IC:/GTK/include/glib-2.0 -IC:/GTK/lib/glib-2.0/include -IC:/GTK/include/freetype2 -IC:/GTK/include\\
GTK_LIBS = -Wl,-luuid -LC:/GTK/lib -lgtk-win32-2.0 -lgdk-win32-2.0 -limm32 -lshell32 -lole32 -latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lcairo -lpangoft2-1.0 -lpangowin32-1.0 -lgdi32 -lfreetype -lz -lfontconfig -lpango-1.0 -lm -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lintl\\
strip SheepShaver.exe
strip SheepShaverGUI.exe

Building SheepShaver in OSX Snow Leopard

You have two option to build Sheepshaver in OSX, using the command line or using the XCode project file. Stick to the method you used to prepare your build environment as described above.

Using the command line

If you started a new terminal window, then don't forget to export the path to SDL (see above at “Preparing your build environment”):

cd src/SDL-1.2.15/
export PATH

cd to the SheepShaver folder and do:

make links
cd src/Unix
NO_CONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh
./configure --enable-sdl-audio --enable-sdl-video --disable-vosf
make SheepShaver_app

Using the Xcode project file
Open a terminal and cd to the SheepShaver folder and do:

make links 

Close the terminal

  • open the src/SheepShaver/src/MacOSX/SheepShaver.xcodeproj file. Xcode opens.
  • in the “Debug | SheepShaver | …” drop-down menu choose “Release”
  • build the project by selecting Build in the Build menu
  • SheepShaver is then found in the src/SheepShaver/src/MacOSX/build/release/ folder

Building SheepShaver in Linux flavours

  • SheepShaver currently suffers from issues regarding running in a window/full screen. For full screen support, follow the directions below. However, if you want a stable build for windowed use, delete “–enable-sdl-video” and “–enable-sdl-audio” from the ./configure step.

Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE:

cd to the SheepShaver folder and:

make links
cd src/Unix
NO_CONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh
./configure --enable-sdl-video --enable-sdl-audio --disable-vosf
strip SheepShaver

Cross-compiling in Linux for Windows

These instructions apply to Ubuntu 12.10 32Bits, Debian 7.1 64bits

Start with preparing your build environment: Make sure you have installed build-essentials, automake, autoconf and mingw32

You can install these prerequisites from the command line with:

sudo apt-get install build-essential automake autoconf mingw32

The rest of these instructions assume you use \home\yourusername\src as folder for the source code for SDL and BasiliskII:

Download the SDL source code from the command line and build SDL:

wget http://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL-1.2.15.tar.gz
tar -xzf SDL-1.2.15.tar.gz
cd SDL-1.2.15
./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --disable-shared --prefix=`pwd`
make install
export PATH=`pwd`/bin:$PATH

For BasiliskII, go to the /src/BasiliskII/src/Windows folder and enter:

NO_CONFIGURE=1 ../Unix/autogen.sh
echo ac_cv_have_win32_exceptions=yes > extra.cache
./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --cache-file=extra.cache --enable-sdl-video --enable-sdl-audio --enable-jit-compiler

For SheepShaver, go to the SheepShaver folder and enter:

make links
cd /src/Windows
NO_CONFIGURE=1 ../Unix/autogen.sh
echo ac_cv_have_win32_exceptions=yes > extra.cache
./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --cache-file=extra.cache --enable-sdl-video --enable-sdl-audio

If you also want to build the Basilisk GUI:

wget http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/gtk+/2.24/gtk+-bundle_2.24.10-20120208_win32.zip

Extract the archive in your /src folder. Next, create a file /src/basilisk/bin/pkg-config containing:

PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/opt/basilisk/lib/pkgconfig \
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/basilisk/lib/pkgconfig /usr/bin/pkg-config $*

and chmod +x it to make it executable

Next, patch up the libraries:

cd /src/basilisk
sed -i 's|^prefix=.*$|prefix=/src/basilisk|g' lib/pkgconfig/*.pc
cd ./lib
for f in *.lib; do mv $f lib${f%%lib}a; done

Use this configure command for Basilisk II:

./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --cache-file=extra.cache --with-gtk --disable-gtktest --enable-sdl-video --enable-sdl-audio --enable-jit-compiler

You have to edit the makefile in the BasiliskII/src/Windows folder: change a reference to b2ether/Packet32.cpp to b2ether/packet32.cpp before finally entering:



  • Source code for Visual C for basiliskII and SheepShaver:

There are some unfinished attempts (jan. 2011) to update the source code for Basilisk and SheepShaver for Windows that build in Visual C. The code also builds in MinGW. It originates from here: https://github.com/tycho/basiliskii and https://github.com/tycho/sheepshaver

The code is mirrored here:

  • A version of Basilisk for Haiku is available:


The application is mirrored here:
Basilisk for Haiku
You need to set the correct rights on the application, so set it to execute for the current user.

  • SDL 1.2.15 doesn't build with XCode 5.0.1 on Mavericks: this patch fixes SDL_QuartzVideo.h:

source: http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/macports/release/ports/devel/libsdl/files/no-CGDirectPaletteRef.patch

@@ -91,7 +91,9 @@ typedef struct SDL_PrivateVideoData {
     CGDirectDisplayID  display;            /* 0 == main display (only support single display) */
     const void         *mode;              /* current mode of the display */
     const void         *save_mode;         /* original mode of the display */
     CGDirectPaletteRef palette;            /* palette of an 8-bit display */
     NSOpenGLContext    *gl_context;        /* OpenGL rendering context */
     NSGraphicsContext  *nsgfx_context;     /* Cocoa graphics context */
     Uint32             width, height, bpp; /* frequently used data about the display */
compiling_sheepshaver_basilisk.1413786292.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/19 23:24