Dirty right-wingnut hillbillies win ANOTHER election *sigh*

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Granny Smith
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Dirty right-wingnut hillbillies win ANOTHER election *sigh*

Post by duckie »

So, seems we Floridians have to put up with an idiot named Jeb...yes, kids, that's what I said...Jeb. Could he be more of a hick? With a name like that, he should have a banjo as Lt. Gov. How typical of these hillbillie knuckleheads to elect one of their own.

Next thing you know they'll be lynching gays and blacks.

Nah, we'll be dead before that from that numbnut President Jackass in Washington. Is it just me, or does he resemble Butthead?

Butthead: "Huh huh...yourname is Dick."

Beavis: "Yeah...heh heh heh...and your name is Bush."

Butthead: "Huh Huh Huh..."

I give that jerk 1 more month before he kills us all with his backwoods version of Foreign Policy. That moron doesnt understand that we, no matter WHAT our social structure or economic fortitude, are the youngest country in the world. We have NO right telling countries who've existed THOUSANDS of years before us how to live. Knowing republicans, they probably have McDonalds backing it just so they can take over another poor country with ridiculous amounts of capitolism.

Bush is like the kid in gym class who has to beat up on the nerds for having a bigger dick than he does. Or the short guy who's pissed at the world for being vertically challenged.

And then there's his VAST vocabulary. I mean...uh...limited. That man is as dumb as a bag of hammers.

Here's some gems of his even I couldnt make up:

"Teach a child to read and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test."

"I want to make sure everybody who has a job wants a job."

"There's an old saying in Tennessee-I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee-that says, fool me once, shame on-shame on you. Fool me-you can't get fooled again."

"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."

"I'm thrilled to be here in the bread basket of America because it gives me a chance to remind our fellow citizens that we have an advantage here in America-we can feed ourselves."

"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here."

Now, I ask you...is this a person who should lead us into war...or even the country?

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