A utility to shut locked-up SheepShaver for Windows

About SheepShaver, a PPC Mac emulator for Windows, MacOS X, and Linux that can run System 7.5.3 to MacOS 9.0.4.

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A utility to shut locked-up SheepShaver for Windows

Post by emendelson »

If SheepShaver for Windows starts up with the question-mark icon, or otherwise becomes unresponsive, it's a bit of work - especially for beginners - to find the the task manager and kill its process.

This is a compiled AutoIt script that offers to kill the SheepShaver process for you:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/d7uo9kidfgmt0 ... r.exe?dl=1

This is the AutoIt script that runs when you launch the application:

Code: Select all

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
If ProcessExists("SheepShaver.exe") Then
	$a = MsgBox($MB_YESNO, "Close SheepShaver", "Do you want me to shut down SheepShaver by killing its process?")
	If $a = $IDYES Then
		$a = MsgBox($MB_YESNO+$MB_DEFBUTTON2, "Close SheepShaver", "Use this only if SheepShaver is locked or unresponsive. Continue?")
		If $a = $IDYES Then
	MsgBox(0, "Close SheepShaver", "SheepShaver doesn't seem to be running.", 5)
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